Hey Beauties. I know i've been absent from my blog for a longggg time and I always come back with a post that says sorry i've not blogged in ages!! I've just had a few personal problems recently and things have been quite hard for me, so I haven't had any motivation to blog. I won't bore you to death with what's been happening but i'm back with lots of ideas :)
Anyway enough of the boring stuff; I recently ordered an acrylic nail set from Ebay, it was from China and was really cheap so I wasn't really expecting it to be amazing but I have always wanted to give it a go as I always get my nails done and didn't want to pay for a course if I didn't enjoy doing it. However when I got the kit, I literally couldn't get the hang of it at all! I don't know whether it's just me finding it hard or if the kid isn't of very good quality! So I just put it in a drawer and left it!
My friend Danielle asked if she could try and do it on me so we had a go and she couldn't do it either! (so i'm not stupid after all!) but she had an idea to use the tips and clear nail varnish to look like acrylic nails but with no acrylics. As it's a lot cheaper than paying to get acrylics and it also looks amazing! The whole kid cost me £15 and has everything inside, but it comes with about 1000 tips in all different sizes so they would last ages. So here's how to do it;
To start with you need to file your own nail tip as well as buffing them so that the glue can stick, if you don't do this the tip will not stick to your nail or will come off after a short period of time. Then match the correct size tips to your nails and stick them all on..
When you have them on like this, you'll need to cut them to the length you want to have them, it's better to use a proper tip cutter or if not nail clippers will be fine. But make sure you hold the nail where it's glued when you're cutting it because where it's just been freshly stuck it may come off if you're too rough with it. Then you need to file them into the shape you want and then file and buff the top of the nail where it's glued, so that there's no ridge.
Then go over them with a clear top coat and build up a few coats (about 4 or 5) Don't use a pink because it will tint the tips a funny colour. As there's no acrylic you need to build the layers up so that it's thick. Then they will look like this..
So they look just like acrylics and they also don't damage your nails !! You can also decorate them in anyway you like with gems or glitter :) this is the final result;
Thank you for reading,
Lots of love
Leanne xox